Showing: 13 - 18 of 49 RESULTS
CWSPStudyAuthentication and Key Management

Authentication and Key Management

Authentication and Key Management (AKM) is a service that is defined in 802.11-2012 standard. It consists of a set of one or more algorithms for authentication and key management. We already discussed a couple of the authentication methods in previous blogs: EAP with the 802.1X framework, pre-shared key (PSK), and simultaneous authentication of equals (SAE). …

CWSPStudyWLAN Security Infrastructures VPN and Management

WLAN Security Infrastructures VPN and Management

Virtual Private Networks As you probably all know, VPN or virtual private networks are networks that extend the safe and secure network over a public network. There is a tunnel established between the location where you are working (remote site) and the main location (headquarters or maybe your home network). All the data goes through …

CWSPStudyWLAN Security Infrastructures terms

WLAN Security Infrastructures terms

Integration Services How great wireless is, there is always a wired network in a company. To deliver packages from the wireless network into the wired network, the 802.11 frames need to change to become 802.3 frame. The stripping of the header and trailer from an 802.11 MSDU frame is the task of the Integration Service. …

CWSPStudyWLAN Security Infrastructures Architectures

WLAN Security Infrastructures Architectures

During my CWAP studies, I wrote a blog about architectures that you can read here (Overview – Architectures). In this blog, I try to focus more on the security part of those architectures. Autonomous The logic for processing the MAC layer operation is within the access point. We call this a smart access point. The …